
Typesetting and Formatting



The design of a book, eBook, brochure, website or product can make or break it.

Typesetting is the process of preparing text and images for publication, typically using a dedicated typesetting program such as InDesign, Quark or LaTex. This is specialised work, and there are many aspects to making your work the best it can be, including margin size, font choices, layout, widows/orphans, leading (spaces between lines), image preparation and placement, and preparation of the final product for printing or publishing on the internet. You will waste your time if you hire an amateur to do this work for you. We are having experienced professionals in this field, as well as in graphic design and, of course, in the editorial requirements for publishing.

Formatting typically means formatting a document for a specific purpose, usually in a word processing program. The types of work we usually do under this category are bibliography formatting, thesis/dissertation formatting and preparation of manuscripts of our Author Clients especially.



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